You can use tags to organize your drops. Tags let you sort and search for drops by tag. You can add tags from either the individual drop’s page or the Droplr dashboard.
Adding Tags
When you first take or upload a drop, a tag will automatically be set for it depending on if it’s an image, video, file, link, or note. Screenshots and uploaded images will be tagged as an #image. Screen recording and uploaded videos will be tagged as a #video. Uploaded files will be tagged as a #file. Links that you shorten using Droplr will be tagged as a #link. Finally, notes that you compose using Droplr will be tagged as a #note.
To learn how to shorten a link or compose a note using Droplr, click here.
To set another tag, click on “File info” in the individual drop view. Navigate to the “File details” section and click on the tags. From here, you can add previously used tags to your drop, delete tags, or create a new tag. Once you’re done, click “submit” to update the drop’s tags.
You can also add, create, or delete tags from the Droplr dashboard. First, select an individual drop. Then, you can click on the tags button on the top of your dashboard, or click on the “…” in the top right corner of the drop and click “Add Tags”. This will bring you to the same tag view as above.
Searching for Tags
You can find drops by tag in the Droplr dashboard. On the left side of your dashboard, you can find your Droplr boards. Scroll down this tab to find Droplr tags. You can find collections of each tag that you have created as well as the automatically set tags. When you click on a tag, you can see all of the drops that are currently set with this tag.