In this article, you will learn how to use Markdown to create rich and readable notes.
Markdown is a markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It lets you create rich notes and edit its formatting. With markdown, you can easily manage headings, text styles or create lists.
When you want to create a note with Droplr, just open the dropdown app and select ‘Markdown Note’ in the ‘More’ section.
And then you will see a text editor. There is also a hotkey shortcut to this, as you see (Shift + Command + N) will get you there as well.
How to write Markdown Syntax
Creating sophisticated formatting in Droplr Notes is pretty easy, you just need to few simple shortcuts. Below we have added some examples of how to format your text with markdown.
When you want to add a header, you have to use hash (#) before text
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
How to add Paragraphs
Whenever you add a plain text it will be added as a paragraph
Whenever you add a plain text it will be added as a paragraph
If you want to make some part of text bold you should write it between single asterisks (*).
*This is italic text*
This is italic text
If you want to make some part of text bold you should write it between double asterisks (**), for example.
This is **a bold** text
This is a bold text
When you want to create an unordered list, just start every line with an asterisk (*), pluses (+), or hyphens (-)
*This is the first element of an unordered list
*This is the first element of an unordered list
*This is the first element of an unordered list
*This is the first element of an unordered list
- This is the first element of an unordered list
- This is the first element of an unordered list
- This is the first element of an unordered list
- This is the first element of an unordered list
But, if you want to create an ordered list, you should start each line with a number followed by a dot (1.)
1.This is the first element of an ordered list
2.This is the second element of an ordered list
3.This is the third element of an ordered list
4.This is the fourth element of an ordered list
- This is the first element of an ordered list
- This is the second element of an ordered list
- This is the third element of an ordered list
- This is the fourth element of an ordered list