In this article, you will learn how to build an inspiration board.
Don’t you hate it when a blog post you just read on Medium has just vanished from your memory? Or when you know you saw a great meme, but you can’t remember what was on it? Maybe it’s deep down in your memory somewhere – buried so deep you can’t bring it back to life. Have you ever felt that the YouTube video you just watched about an increasing lead generation has spilt out of your brain and onto the floor? Forgetting is a common problem with many causes, and its consequences can be both minor and serious.
Droplr boards help you save inspiration
With Droplr, you can capture inspiration whenever it strikes, add tags and organize your drops into an inspiration board in seconds without fear of forgetting.
Boards are a collaboration space where you can interact with colleagues and clients on specific projects and share the drops you have saved. Want to learn more about the board feature? You can find more information here.
It’s a natural thing that almost every day you come across inspirational ideas, sites, images, and quotes. Often you want to use them in the future or share with your team. Sometimes you find a highly responsive and appealing website design that you think will work perfectly for a company’s new site. Just save it in an instant with Droplr, share it with your boss and get some quick feedback.
Creating Inspiration Board in Droplr is that simple
Go to your workspace and click “Create a board” on the top left side menu of the page. You can name it “Inspiration Board,” for example. Upload an inspirational drop and drag it to your new board. If you want, you can add a tag, like #websiteinspiration. You can also set privacy to either private or public.
It takes just seconds to capture that piece of inspiration and save it for later. As you collect more and more sources of inspiration, use the same tag to keep them organized and compile them into a single collection to use later. When the time comes to share ideas at a brainstorming meeting, you’ll bring a bunch of cool ideas that you have already saved in your inspiration boards.
Just log into your Droplr account on the web, navigate your boards on the left-hand menu, and click the one you want to bring up on the table. As soon as you click on your inspiration board, you will see a collection of all the drops you’ve added there.
Your idea gets approved. Your team cheers. You feel great. Your new website wins a million design awards. Nice work!